Effect of COVID-19 in Japan / Restaurant industry

On 2nd October, I have spoken as a keynote speaker at the Supply Chain Management Association Italia.

During the emergency announcement by the government in April, the restaurants could operate, but the opening hour has made shorter. As a result, our customer decreased by 43% and the revenue also. On the other hand, the equipment prices such as facial masks and nitrile glove have increased maximum of 5 times than the normal times. According to our supplier, this price hop caused because of overseas government held.

To solve the critical condition, most of the restaurants implement the solutions to recover the revenues. Because people afraid to stay in closed space, not at a restaurant but ready to eat items are demanded. Therefore, the take out dishes and the delivery model has developed. Moreover, the drive through and robot serving have installed.

As a result of the solutions, the customers have returned as 70% in September.
The new life stile will be kept in the coming years, then the shift change strategy might be driven with the investements.

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